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Father and Daughter
Father and Daughter

Parent with Todd

Making the most
of your most important relationships

Parent With Todd:
Rising To the Challenge

Parenting is one of the biggest roles we take on in life. It can be challenging, but remarkably rewarding. Every parent, child, and family is unique. As parents, we all share a universal goal of developing good communication that results in a great parent-child relationship with our kids. However, the reality of navigating the day-to-day challenges of parenting often clouds our intent to approach relationships with joy and empathy. Rising to the parenting challenges is work best done with support, collaboration, and empathy.

In today’s world, there is a consistent flow of material designed to improve the parent-child relationship. While parenting advice can be gleaned through books, videos, family, friends, teachers, and therapists, ultimately most of our parenting style comes from who we are innately as individuals. Our parenting approach, response, and behaviors are formed as a result of our past life experiences. We learn from modeling, identifying patterns, and trying new strategies. We grow by cultivating self-love. Personal growth requires thought, discussion, and reflection.

Parenting with Todd provides parents with a unique service. Todd works with parents, kids, and families to improve communication, heal past wounds, and deepen connections. Todd helps parents cultivate safe, positive, and joyful relationships.

Being a parent can be tough.  
But just remember, that in your child's eyes,
nobody does it better than you


Parent with Todd: The Benefits
Striving to grow and improve as a parent takes a structured approach. Todd offers decades of experience connecting with parents and children. He has a passion for helping others discover their own solutions and strategies for addressing challenges. Parent coaching involves asking powerful questions, active listening and providing support and guidance. 

Improved Parenting Skills: New strategies of managing challenging behaviors   

          Better Communication: Asking powerful questions and actively listening                                                                                           

Build Stronger Relationships: Based on trust and respect         


Reduced Stress: Improve self-control and feel less overwhelmed Increased


Confidence and Joy: Model the positive behaviors you want your children to have

Contact me


Bend, OR, USA

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